Where the Magic Happens

23 Dec

As promised—(whee, I found my camera!)—here’s a picture of the writing room at our new apartment!  That desk was my grandfather’s, and it’s where I do most of my writing.  Well, when I’m not at Starbucks, anyway.  Oh, and lest you worry that my bookshelf isn’t well-stocked, just remember we have several more bookshelves.  This one’s just for books on writing and pretty hardcover new-releases.

It’s true!  We have two desks in the writing room!  This is the less-used one, because it’s small and antique and has a large crack running from end to end.  However, it’s the PERFECT size for laying out note cards while attempting to rearrange and rework troublesome sections of the novel.

This is pretty similar to the first picture, obviously, except it shows you my fun dandelion painting (which was a MAJOR score at Urban Outfitters—it had no price tag and a tiny smudge on it, and they let me buy it for a mere $5) and my guitar.  That’s, you know, for when I get stuck or tired or frustrated and just need a relaxing little break.  Lately, my go-to songs for this type of break include the song Gwyneth Paltrow sang on Glee (“Forget You,” the clean version of a song by Cee Lo), “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel,” (because Christmas is about much more than presents and decorations and ninjabread, and singing about it helps me remember that), and “Hey, Jude” (by the Beatles, but I hope you knew that already).

You can’t tell from these pictures, but the windows look out into trees and hills.  It’s a peaceful room for writing and reading (there’s a big reading chair on the opposite end of the room, but the pictures I took of it looked kind of lame, so I spared you all).

So, speaking of writing and reading, I have a LOT to do.

But…um…it’s Christmas Eve Eve today, and that only happens once a year.  Plus, I will be running full-speed ahead starting next week.  There’s a time for goals, and a time for rest.

Today, I shall rest.

Hope everyone’s having a lovely week—remember to rest amid the busybusybusy!

Merry Christmas Eve Eve to you all! ❤


11 Responses to “Where the Magic Happens”

  1. betherann Thursday / 23 December 10 at 10:27 am #

    Lovely! Enjoy your rest…and your Christmas!!

    • Kayla Olson Friday / 24 December 10 at 9:49 am #

      Hey! Thank you. 🙂 Yesterday was quite peaceful, and today is even MORE peaceful. A quiet, gray-skied, rainy ranch in the middle of nowhere + Christmas lights and presents + a novel + coffee = AMAZING.

      Merry Christmas to you, too! Hope yours is wonderful.

  2. J.C Thursday / 23 December 10 at 1:02 pm #

    Love it! Can’t wait til I can set mine up and take pics!
    Merry Christmas by the way 🙂

    • Kayla Olson Friday / 24 December 10 at 9:50 am #

      Ooh, yes! You MUST share pictures when yours is done! Hope you and the beautiful family are having a lovely holiday! 🙂

  3. Lou Belcher Thursday / 23 December 10 at 3:13 pm #

    Beautiful writing room… I could never publish a picture of mine. Manuscripts and books piled everywhere. I’d love to come sit in your room for a little while if you don’t mind.

    Have a great holiday.


    • Kayla Olson Friday / 24 December 10 at 9:53 am #

      Hi, Lou, and welcome! Thanks for stopping by, and for leaving your comment! 🙂 Ha—my writing room IS pretty clean, but we’ve only lived there for a month. I’m still on that whole totally-determined-to-keep-things-spotless kick.

      We’ll see how long it lasts.

      Hope your holiday is great, too! 🙂

  4. Kerryn Angell Thursday / 23 December 10 at 3:57 pm #

    I love your grandfather’s desk and the Russian dolls and the peonies and the dandelion picture. It looks like a fabulous writing room.

    I also love the Glee cover of Forget You. Kurt & Blaine’s cover of Baby, It’s Cold Outside is fantastic and very Christmassy. 🙂

    • Kayla Olson Friday / 24 December 10 at 9:57 am #

      Kerryn! Good to hear from you! 🙂 Thank you—I love all of those things, too! The pictures on Desk #2 are special to me, too: the medium sized one is a framed card with elephants all over it from a NYC vacation, and the smallest is a collection of dried rose petals my grandmother sent me after my great-grandmother’s funeral.

      Ooh! The “Baby, It’s Cold Outside” from Glee IS fantastic and Christmas-y!

      Merry Christmas!! Hope it’s great!

  5. Rebecca Friday / 24 December 10 at 2:11 am #

    What a beautiful space to write in. *Turns a little green* It’s looks wonderful.

    Merry Christmas

    • Kayla Olson Friday / 24 December 10 at 10:01 am #

      Hi, Rebecca! 🙂 Thanks for your comment, and welcome to my blog! It’s refreshing to have a space like this after several years in a tiny, dark apartment, so I understand your whole turning-green thing. 😉 I hope you get one of your own soon, and that in the meantime you’ll have productive, rewarding writing no matter what your space is like!

      Merry Christmas to you, too!

  6. Merrilee Sunday / 26 December 10 at 1:38 am #

    I’m so jealous!

    More and more I have been thinking that I need a quiet place, but it isn’t going to happen in this house. Nevermind! Yours is beautiful, and uncluttered and restful 🙂

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